Pirates didn't play the theremin, but I do.

Monday, September 7, 2009

Looks Like It's Time For...

Yeah. This thing again. Hi everybody. I don't know most of you, but I guess we'll be acquainted with each other soon enough. I'm John W. Allie, and the W. really is not there just so that I can sound pretentious. I started using it a while ago for reasons beyond the scope of this already boring paragraph and I got used to it. You can call me John, though, and "Allie" is pronounced the same as "alley."

My summer was pretty good but it could have been better. I'm glad to be back now, and taking Illustration, Figure Painting, Writing for Children, Linguistics, and an art Independent Study. Yes, these are all exciting things.

For those of you who don't know me, you can check out my website, or you can jump straight to my webcomic, which is where all the good stuff is anyway. The writing is better than the art, though, I will warn you up front. It's a learning experience. Anyway, I read a lot, and write, and don't watch any TV besides Star Trek, and think webcomics are the bee's knees, and I suspect that by the end of the semester the class will be fairly evenly divided between people who want to be my friend and people who can't wait to be rid of me.

What the heck is a triffid? Always ask Wikipedia first, because Wikipedia knows about everything.

Enough blather. I will see you in class.

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